The International Master in Applied Ecology (IMAE) is a Joint Master Course offered by the University of Coimbra (UC - Portugal) and the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU - Germany) in close cooperation with an international consortium of 4 Universities from different countries: University of East Anglia (UEA – UK), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil), University of Saskatchewan (USask – Canada) and University of São Paulo (USP - Brazil).
The IMAE consortium presents a complementary disciplinary foci and competences in the field of applied ecology.
The IMAE programme has been designed to form highly qualified professionals who can address environmental issues not only through ecological sciences but also drawing on associated social, political and economic dimensions. They will contribute to conserve environment with regards to business and legislation, to promote sustainable growth and to integrate their diagnoses of the growing needs of citizens, public authorities, and industry alike. The high diversity of course contents and the number of mobility periods provided by the program increase opportunities to develop both an international outlook and new perspectives in the field of applied ecology.
The IMAE experience means that your environmental concern will benefit various professionals and daily cultures in at least 3 different countries. When we designed the teaching program, we aimed at a balance between theoretical courses and practical experiences (field trips, meetings with stakeholders, seminars) including a six-months period of professional experience - Master Thesis - in one of the institutions of the consortium.
Apply to IMAE if ecological care is important to you!
We accept students from all over the world. Your qualifications, previous experience and motivation are essential for us as the programme will also benefit from your personal life history.
We look forward to meeting you next October!