All students follow a common mobility route for the first year (both first and second semesters) before selecting the final institution among the different mobility options offered for the second year.
IMAE students will be awarded with Joint Degree “MSc in Applied Ecology" issued by the University of Coimbra and Kiel University.
IMAE students that decide to complete their MSc dissertation in one of the other 3 universities of the consortium » UEA, UFRGS or USask « will have also a local MSc degree.
Specialization on Environmental Quality Assessment and Conservation
Specialization on Environmental Quality Assessment and Conservation
Year 1
1st semester:
UC (Portugal) + USP (Brazil)
2nd semester:
CAU (Germany)
Year 2
1st & 2nd semester:
UC (Portugal) or elective mobility to UFRGS (Brazil) or UoS (Canada) to take courses and develop thesis project.
Specialization on Ecosystems Functional Analysis
Specialization on Ecosystems Functional Analysis
Year 1
1st semester:
UC (Portugal) + USP (Brazil)
2nd semester:
CAU (Germany)
Year 2
1st & 2nd semester:
CAU (Germany) or elective mobility to UEA (England) to take courses and develop thesis project.
Mobility scheme
Year 1
1st semester
From October to March, students will be in Coimbra, Portugal, where they will find an extended scientific study programme and be familiarized with the main approaches in Ecology.
Students have the opportunity to attend a field course in Mediterranean Ecosystems, in central Portugal, and another field course in Tropical Ecosystems, in Brazil.
Year 1
2nd semester
In April, students will move to Kiel, Germany, and have the chance to participate in applied courses and excursions offered by the Kiel University, such as a field trip to Poland.
Year 2
1st & 2nd semester
After the summer break, students go to the option selected among the five elective institutions, to attend classes and work on their master dissertation.
Note: the validation of the 2nd year mobility depends on the discussion and analysis of the choices of each student, so that the distribution among the different institutions of the consortium is balanced and financially sustainable.
Students will be registered at the University of Coimbra. In case you decide to do or to complete your Master Dissertation at a partner university, you will also be registered there:
Kiel University - Kiel, Germany
University of East Anglia - Norwich, UK
Federal University of Rio Grande de Sul - Porto Alegre, Brazil
University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, Canada
Your Master Dissertation project can be carried out anywhere as long as the project is co-supervised by one of the consortium Universities and after approval by IMAE coordination.
The master thesis defence will take place at the university where you have developed your thesis project ant is done according to local rules.
You will be awarded an MSc in Applied Ecology degree issued jointly by the University of Coimbra and the Kiel University. In case you graduated in a partner university you will be awarded a national MSc degree by the corresponding institution.