How can I apply?
This is simple! Click on the "How to apply" tab and follow the instructions. Good luck!
What are the successive steps of my application?
You will find all the necessary information if you click on “How to apply >> Application Steps”.
I applied for IMAE in one of the calls. If I want to apply again, do I need to upload all the documents again?
Applicants who were not offered a place or who were offered a place and did not enrol nor register for the master can opt to carry over their application into a new call if there is one.
If applicants having their application with the status “Invalidated” or “Not-Admitted” want to apply in a later call, should apply again and pay the corresponding fee.
Where can I get the application form to fill in?
We do not use paper form for application. You can download the PDF of the application form by clicking on “How to apply >> Application Steps”. Fill it and upload it at the UC platform as indicated.
Do I also have to send my application by regular post?
No, for the application we only need your documents in electronic format.
However, after their registration in IMAE and after arriving at the University of Coimbra, students have until December 31st (of the 1st academic year) to validate the uploaded documents during application by presenting the originals directly to Academic Management Services during the hours for in-person assistance.
IMPORTANT: You must bring the original documents and their copies so that their authenticity may be verified. The original documents will always be returned to you.